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Quote1 Grandmother charged me with protecting the people, and the best way to achieve that is to allow them to live together in harmony. Therefore, tomorrow -- I will exile myself from Japan, never more to return! Quote2
-- Rai

An Equality of Slaughter[]


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Captain Omura (Single appearance)
  • Grandmother (Mentioned only)
  • Professor (Single appearance)
  • Spider Aliens (Mentioned only)
  • Tiger Squads (Mentioned only)






The Healers are about to launch a special rocket that will end Humanist control over Japan. Kazuyo leads government troops in an attack on the launch site, only to find Makiko waiting in her own battle-armor! Rai arrives in time to help Kazuyo beat Makiko, but the resulting battle knocks the Healer missile off-course. Thousands die as the projectile hits Japan, and Rai is dismayed to find that the people blame him for the carnage![1]


This article has no additional notes or trivia.


Quote1 I served Grandmother, true -- but even before I inherited the power to be Rai, her spirit guardian, I had decided to be the last. Our son would be spared that crushing responsibility, the danger. Quote2
-- Rai
Quote1 I rarely make mistakes, Wasabe. But assuming you weren't an idiot was apparently one of them! Even an imbecile would know not to contact the underground from the palace, even on a scrambled line. Quote2
-- Makiko Minashi
Quote1 I'm the protector of Japan. But does anyone want that protection? Healers hate me; humanists mistrust me. And the public? Well... Perhaps Kazuyo should be Rai. Then I could concentrate on another title, eh, dear one? Like... father. Quote2
-- Rai
Quote1 I didn't choose to be Rai. That position was thrust on me by birth! And not everyone is born a hero! --- I respect tradition! I honor it! I just... don't know if I can live it. Quote2
-- Rai
Quote1 Grandmother charged me with protecting the people, and the best way to achieve that is to allow them to live together in harmony. Therefore, tomorrow -- I will exile myself from Japan, never more to return! Quote2
-- Rai


Cover Art[]




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External links[]
