Valiant Comics Database

Quote1 You and the Unity team beat the Armor Hunters, but people are reeling. They need someone to look to. To take care of them. They need X-O Manowar. Your rank and name, if you want it. X-O means executive officer. That's the second-in-command, behind the commanding officer. Which is me. No tricks this time. No leverage held over your head. We've been through too much for that. I'm not drafting you. I'm asking you. I call the shots, you fire them. What do you say? Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw

Slow Burn[]


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Teacup (Single appearance)






Broken kingdom!

The world has changed for Aric of Dacia – the armored earthbound hero known as X-O Manowar. Unable to protect his friends and allies from the interstellar hunters sworn to kill him, the Visigoth warrior who would be king now recoils from the horrendous consequences – even as a threatening new future looms. Everything changes now!


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Quote1 You and the Unity team beat the Armor Hunters, but people are reeling. They need someone to look to. To take care of them. They need X-O Manowar. Your rank and name, if you want it. X-O means executive officer. That's the second-in-command, behind the commanding officer. Which is me. No tricks this time. No leverage held over your head. We've been through too much for that. I'm not drafting you. I'm asking you. I call the shots, you fire them. What do you say? Quote2
-- Colonel Capshaw
Quote1 I'm bleeding. The armor isn't stopping it. Finally. It's over. Quote2
-- Malgam
Quote1 I, too, come from a world far from this one. Though the gulf between the two is caused by time, not space. Our homelands are gone. We are all that remains of them. This world -- here, now -- is our new home. It is foreign and perilous, but in time you will come to cherish it. As I do. Quote2
-- X-O Manowar


Cover Art[]

Cover Art Textless[]




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