Valiant Comics Database

Quote1 Man-whore! Everyone my whole life has betrayed me! My parents -- my church -- my brothers and sisters! I don't expect any better from her! But you said you were different! You were supposed to be my friend! You've always done whatever you want, huh? You don't care about me, or anybody else -- Quote2
-- Archer



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Archer, Ivar and Ambrose Bierce find three fighter jets.

When night falls, Archer goes to look for the Roanoake Camp. Upon arriving at the camp, Archer catches Armstrong in bed with Mary-Maria. Mary-Maria tells Archer that she loves him like a brother as Archer searches for another pilot. Amelia Earhart volunteers to be the pilot, while revealing that she was Sky Mother.

General Redacted and the Resident Aliens launch an attack on the Roanoake Camp in the morning. Archer, Amelia Earhart and Ivar confronted the UFOs in their planes.

General Redacted is killed after Archer pilots one of the bombers into General Redacteds base.

Ivar and Aram reunite as Archer lands back on the ground. Archer punches Armstrong before he steals the Time Arc Map and disappearing.


This article has no additional notes or trivia.


Quote1 Hey, never underestimate the power of hemp. Though this crazy cactus juice the Roanokes made ain't bad either... Quote2
-- Armstrong
Quote1 Looking like a good day, gentlemen. A good day for someone else to die. Quote2
-- General Redacted
Quote1 Man-whore! Everyone my whole life has betrayed me! My parents -- my church -- my brothers and sisters! I don't expect any better from her! But you said you were different! You were supposed to be my friend! You've always done whatever you want, huh? You don't care about me, or anybody else -- Quote2
-- Archer
Quote1 That's not true. I do care about you. I think I've proven that plenty already. I've had a lot of friends, real, good friends, over the centuries. But... when I look at you, I can't help but see... I see... I see the inevitable. Quote2
-- Armstrong




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